COVID-19 Food Drive

Residents of New Mill Quarter recently came together to donate to a collective food drive alongside another local development, BedZed, due to the issues springing up around COVID-19. In the first wave of donations, residents were able to donate an entire car full of food which was split between Sutton Night Watch and Sutton Homestart. Some several hundred cans of food, over 20kg of dried pasta and rice, hundreds of other cupboard essentials and breakfast supplies for up to 100 people.


Further waves of donations continued into the wider community of Hackbridge with residents coming together donating further loads of food with support from the Hackbridge & Beddinton Corner Development Group. On top of this, a money pool was set up which was able to raise just under £400 from BedZed, NMQ and the wider community of Hackbridge which was split between the same two charities.


We now hope to arrange a similar food drive to help out our community further at these especially troubling times. We give special thanks to both Sutton Night Watch and Sutton Homestart for the great work they are doing in their community and are happy to have been able to support them in any way.


Compensation for Delayed Residents